We automate.
You create more.

We automate your processes so you have more time for what really matters.

ipass experts
Automation Success

Automation = Success

No matter which industry or company size, automation helps move your business forward. By evaluating your processes, implementing new tools, and realizing automation, we help your business scale.

Your requirements are as individual as your business - cloud automation opens up new possibilities.

  • Immense efficiency gains

  • Realize more possibilities

  • Satisfied teams

  • Return on investment

We are a scaling partner for start-ups. SMEs. Enterprise.

  • Cloud automation

    The connection of numerous digital process steps, the mapping of their interaction and the optimization of the transmitted data enable an autonomous process flow. This opens up completely new possibilities.

  • Advantages

    Let automation take over repetitive, monotonous tasks and create more time for your employees to complete valuable activities that will make your team happier and more productive.

  • Possibilities

    We achieve immense and far-reaching efficiency gains for our customers. Automation is already possible today in countless areas and industries. We would even say in almost all of them. And we are just getting started.

  • Success

    Companies of all sizes and requirements trust our years of expertise in automation and process data analysis. We are convinced that your investment in the future will pay off.

Cloud Automation makeitfuture

Automation. Tools.

We work with leading software providers in the digital and IT industry to offer our customers the perfect solution for every project. We are a certified Zapier Expert, Make Partner, Automation Hero Partner and Airtable service provider.

  • Airtable

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    The central enterprise platform. Connect your spreadsheets and databases with direct automation. Capture your data and use it everywhere.

  • Make

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    Make is a powerful tool with unique features for automating manual processes. Connect your favorite apps, services and devices. Complex automation with Integromat.

  • N8N

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    Create unique processes through modular cloud automation and the first and only tool that is open source and allows you to host your automations yourself.

  • Power Automate

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    With Power Automate, you can securely connect to on-premises data and cloud-based services so you can get the most out of the data you already have.

    power automate
  • Workato

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    A powerful inclusive end-to-end automation platform that does it all. The latest automation technologies in one tool for short-term gains and long-term strategies.

  • Zapier

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    Connect the apps you use every day to automate your work and be more productive. Automate customer journeys with over 3,000 apps automatically and in sync - Zapier partners and experts.


Who can benefit from automation?

Read our use cases to get an idea of what's possible.

E-commerce: Remaining competitive

Everyday work processes in e-commerce are driven by data: The ordering process, accounting, marketing - it's all based on data. Instead of managing this manually and wasting a lot of time, online merchants can automate almost all recurring processes. The possibilities for store automation are endless: from automated mails, marketing campaigns and automated accounting to individual tracking of the return status of shipments across different providers, everything is possible.

Experience automation

Sales: Generate more leads in less time

Customer onboarding, quality management, customer journey - they are all part of a close and successful customer relationship. Many apps are often involved in the sales process: Contact with your leads can be by mail, via a form on your website or by phone. It's critical to keep track of these leads and inquiries without losing data. That way, you have more time for a comprehensive customer approach, the perfect accompaniment and consultation of your customers and the development of new sales channels.

Experience automation

Accounting: Spend less time on administration

Accounting is the one task that accompanies all businesses. However, accounting rarely means fulfillment or fun. That's exactly why it's perfect for automations that take work off your hands. You can automatically upload receipts to the accounting tool, archive them in the right folders, send payment reminders to customers automatically, or create entire invoices automatically.
In our eyes, accounting automation is the optimal starting point for your Automation Journey.

Experience automation

Freelancer: Gain more time for your core tasks

Freelancers or solo self-employed people have one thing in common: they are sales, project management, marketing, accounting and boss all in one. As a solo self-employed person, however, you probably know better than many that time is the most valuable resource and wants to be used well. That's why automating the software you use is so profitable for freelancers: you immediately notice how much work the integration of different tools takes away from you and where valuable time can be invested instead.

Experience automation

Agencies: Improved project management

Agencies in particular benefit from process automation so that they have more time for consulting or services. Integrate your CRM or database with many other applications: Accounting, project and task management or even contract creation and signing. This way, all auxiliary work around the projects is automated to have less time for administration and more time for consulting.

Experience automation

Coaches: increase your success

For coaches, it is particularly important to ensure the efficiency of processes and thus increase productivity. After all, coaching is a very people-centric field. Support the preparation of your individual coaching by automatically querying and qualifying questions and tasks in advance. Or automatically enroll your coachees in your online seminars by embedding your CMS or store system. In this way, coaches can automate administration in many ways to free up more time for working with people.

Experience automation
business automation examples

Automation. Blog.

We want to bring light into the digital machine age, because we believe that shared knowledge is more knowledge. After all, those who understand automation can also accompany it better.

Questions? Answers.

  • What is automation?


    The term automation refers to the transfer of process functions and entire process sequences from humans to technical systems. In most cases, it is not sufficient for the necessary documents to be available digitally (although this is the basic prerequisite for automation).

  • And how is it different from digitization?


    Digitization is the first step towards automation. The term has several meanings, but we mostly use it as the digital transformation of analogue documents and processes (very classic: scanning a personnel file to make it digitally retrievable or scanning a supplier invoice).

  • What are my advantages?


    Automation takes over activities from everyday routine tasks to complex processes. This improves transparency and accountability, captures data accurately and makes it available to relevant stakeholders whenever it is needed.

    Sources of error are minimized, data is stored where it's needed, and you're left with more time for important tasks like generating leads or driving your business forward instead of just managing it.

  • Can I automate my processes at all?


    We advise you comprehensively on your requirements and specifically address your processes, requirements and wishes. This also includes that we check your infrastructure. Together we will then, if necessary, go down the path of digitization in order to successfully automate your business processes in the next step.

  • Price-performance?


    The scope of the project is as individual as you are. In a free preliminary discussion, we will be happy to clarify how much work we estimate for your project. We will then orientate ourselves on this. Arrange an initial consultation at and find out how much is involved in your processes.

Automation consulting. Automate. Improve. Succeed.

We advise you independently and offer our expertise.


Makeitfuture develops your process and customer journey automation. We automate your processes and workflows in an iterative and agile way. In this way, we improve the customer experience and simplify processes quickly and seamlessly. Together we determine the course of your automation project and enable sustainable changes.

make gold partner
makeitfuture hubspot partner