Certified Zapier Partner

Connect your websites, cloud processes and apps - automate workflows.

Connect the apps you use every day to automate your work and be more productive. Automate customer journeys automatically and synchronously with over 3000 apps - Zapier partners and experts.

services makeitfuture


Process automation with Zapier: In short, Zapier offers a platform on which different applications can be linked and automated.

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  • Plus
  • Plus
  • Plus
  • Plus

Getting you setup quickly

we offer all support your business needs to really benefit from automation.


Show us the API

To integrate with Zapier, the app needs an API and a few other things. if it’s your app, we’ll neded you to show us the documentation, or we’ll need to find them if it’s someone elses.

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Decide on triggers, searches and action

Every integration on Zapier has a mix of trigger, search and action steps. We’ll plan which ones you nedd and any special requirements.

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Build the integration

We’ll go away and build your integration. once done it will be available for use in your Zapier account and can be shared with other via an invite link you’ll get.

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Help you gopublic

Zapier has an optional approval process to go through if you want your app to appear in their public directory. We’ll help you navigate it.

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Getting you setup quickly

we offer all support your business needs to really benefit from automation.


Show us the API

To integrate with Zapier, the app needs an API and a few other things. if it’s your app, we’ll neded you to show us the documentation, or we’ll need to find them if it’s someone elses.

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Decide on triggers, searches and action

Every integration on Zapier has a mix of trigger, search and action steps. We’ll plan which ones you nedd and any special requirements.

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Build the integration

We’ll go away and build your integration. once done it will be available for use in your Zapier account and can be shared with other via an invite link you’ll get.

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Help you gopublic

Zapier has an optional approval process to go through if you want your app to appear in their public directory. We’ll help you navigate it.

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Your benefits

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Automation of tasks with Zapier

Let Zapier take over your tasks and dedicate yourself to the important things.

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No more manual work by Zapier

Zapier helps you transform into a digital age company and saves manual work.

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Use actions and triggers in Zapier

Zapier allows you to integrate a wide variety of applications into your system landscape.

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Easy to track thanks to Zapier Logs and Files

Zapier supports and informs in the event of an error and helps to efficiently detect and correct errors.

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Higher customer satisfaction in the customer journey

With the help of Zapier, they can respond automatically and quickly to customer questions and improve their customer experience.

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Cost savings through Zapier automation

Save time and therefore costs with the help of Zapier. Individually automate modular business processes.

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Automation of tasks with Zapier

Let Zapier take over your tasks and dedicate yourself to the important things, such as customer acquisition or business development.

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Cost savings through automation

Save time and money with the help of Zapier. Automate modular business processes individually.

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Easy to follow thanks to Zapier logs and files

Zapier supports and informs in the event of an error and contributes to the efficient detection and correction of errors.

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Greater satisfaction in the customer journey

With the help of Zapier you can react automatically and quickly to customer questions and improve your customer experience.

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Less manual work by Zapier

Zapier supports you in transforming into a company of the digital age and saves manual work.

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Use actions and triggers in Zapier

Zapier allows you to integrate a wide variety of applications into your system landscape.

  • Accounting


    Since accounting is highly standardized and characterized by recurring processes, it is ideally suited for automation. As a user, you certainly use other software and tools in addition to your accounting software. If you automate accounting, you reduce the effort for data maintenance and manual processes to a minimum.

    By using Make, we can integrate accounting with many other frequently used apps, e.B. mails, CRM, shop software, ERP or cloud storage:

    Automatically transfer invoices from your emails to accounting software and cloud storage locations

    Automatically settle project times from your project management including legally compliant invoicing

    Maintain and synchronize master data only in one place instead of changing it individually in CRM, Marketing, ERP and Accounting

  • Sales


    Sales automation helps you increase sales, create long-term loyalty, and thus drive your business forward. The entire customer journey can be seamlessly integrated, so you can better engage your leads, lose fewer leads and convert them into satisfied customers. Customer onboarding, quality management, customer journey - they are all part of a close and successful customer relationship. And they can all be automated.

    Optimize customer communication and no longer lose track of which phase a lead is in

    Integrate your CRM with communication channels and get all the important information for personalized sales

    Accompany the entire onboarding process with automated emails for long-term satisfied customers

  • E-Commerce


    More and more online shops also mean more and more competition for existing online businesses. By automating your store and administrative tasks, you gain more time for real value creation, developing new ideas, building a unique customer relationship, and everything in between.

    The ordering process, accounting, marketing - all this is based on data. Instead of managing them manually and wasting a lot of time, you can automate almost all recurring processes. As your shop or business grows, Make and your automations simply grow with you.

    Create unique customer journeys by providing e.B. shipping notifications with personalized greetings and photos.

    Automate your warehouse management based on seasonality, moving average and minimum value and always be prepared

    Trust in an integrated solution instead of fragmented individual solutions

  • Marketing


    Whether newsletter marketing or lead ads: The balancing act between individuality and low effort is difficult to achieve. In times of flooded mailboxes, email marketing must therefore stand out and offer added value. The same applies to display ads, which must not be lost in the crowd. This is exactly what Make achieves through individualized marketing campaigns

    Based on customer status in CRM, your leads will receive newsletter marketing that really fits their current needs

    Stop losing leads on your homepage and run targeted retargeting ads that increase conversion

    Offer your target audience unique marketing experiences that stand out from the crowd

We are a certified Zapier Expert

What exactly does that mean? That means that Zapier personally classified us as capable and competent.

We know Zapier inside and out, receive exclusive features from Zapier and can use our contacts to Zapier if there are problems.

In addition, our project does not end after handover: With us you receive premium support after the project is completed, so that your automation creates added value for a long time.

Zapier Partner

Automated companies

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Automation experts

Savings. Speed. Satisfaction.

Zapier is great for automating redundant and infrequent tasks. So you spend less time on such necessary but time-consuming activities. This is made possible by connecting your existing web applications. This is done via so-called APIs (programming interfaces), which allow programs to talk to each other. Connect almost all cloud tools to improve the organization and productivity of your company.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Zapier und APIs

Productivity. Efficiency. Optimization.

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects business applications like Outlook, Gmail, Slack, MailChimp and over 3,000 others. We're connecting more applications to automate repetitive tasks. This does not require complex API programming, which often costs companies six-figure sums. But we go even further: We map complex scenarios, from complete automation of craft businesses to communication automation in corporations.

Why Zapier with Makeitfuture?

  • Experience and customer satisfaction


    Zapier certified experts Wemakefuture

    Zapier is absolutely unique in automation software - whenever you need a complex task, Zapier can find exactly the data you are looking for every time.

    As a Zapier expert, Wemakefuture helps to map complex automation in the cloud.

  • Zapier Germany partner


    Core items:

    Zapier is the connection of more than 3,000 web applications and cloud systems.

    Zaps are workflows that connect your applications so that they can communicate with each other.

    Zaps automate your tasks in the background so you can focus on more important tasks.

  • Data security


    The credentials that you use to connect your accounts to Zapier are protected by encryption at the security level of banks.

    The only actions Zapier takes on your accounts are those necessary to execute the zaps you have created.

    The raw data that Zapier sends to other services on your behalf is stored for 7 days for troubleshooting and then deleted continuously.

    The user-side task history is saved for longer periods of time (approx. 3 months, never longer than 4 months) so that you can monitor Zapier activity and report errors.

  • Tie up. Zapier with any API


    Code steps are one way to extend Zapier to run small snippets of Python or JavaScript as part of your Zaps. Here we connect your API individually, if possible.

  • Other advantages


    No bugs

    Fast data processes

    No expensive individual programming

    Connect thousands of applications

    First-Class-Support mit Wemakefuture

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How can Zapier automate our business?

Learn more. Free advice on Zapier in Germany.

n8n.cloud for your business processes


Integrate your processes seamlessly and sustainably

Your automation in n8n grows with you and adapts flexibly to changing conditions. Sustainable, powerful integrations with n8n.


Scale your business with modular integrations

No matter what, your integrations grow with you. New requirements and changing processes are no problem thanks to the modular developments in n8n.


Experience security through open source code

We can also model complex processes thanks to a modular view with multitrigger function. So we realize exactly the solution you need.

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Automation consulting. Automate. Improve. Succeed.

We advise you independently and offer our expertise.