One app to do it all - How we used Bubble to design, develop, and market an MVP

February 5, 2024

Unveil how Bubble revolutionized construction management, attracting investors with efficient solutions.

In this case study, we will show you how we used Bubble to create a proof-of-concept for a digital construction management product. With the help of no-code solutions, we developed a desktop application capable enough to attract investors and offer our clients a new business opportunity.

About the Client

Two MBA students in the Netherlands, Juana, and her learning partner, aimed to gather funds for a management platform in the construction sector. Their project would allow small and mid-sized companies to acquire an out-of-the-box solution for a low price while maintaining powerful features such as managing staff, projects, inventory, users, and overall company operations. They required a Proof of Concept, which included a landing page. 

Although initially, this project was part of their academic project, the concept showed great potential, leading them to explore the idea of expanding it on a larger scale (i.e. launching an app on the market). This led them to opt for a no-code approach, which offers the advantage of quick development and lower expenses, making their goal to attract investors easier to reach. This is where our involvement as no-code experts began.

The Challenge 

Our clients needed an internal management tool for the construction industry (MVP for the first phase). They also wanted to do it fast, since it was part of their mandatory university curriculum. The idea behind this was to raise money from investors to test the platform's viability and, should they get a positive answer, re-contact us to do the main platform. Also, since our clients were Master’s degree students, their budget was limited, considering a traditional solution for developing the MVP would be way above their budget range. 

The Solution 

As presented above, our clients had dire matters to solve, as time was pressing them. So a simple POC in Bubble was a natural way forward as our team ensured the development, being by their side for the entire process. 

We designed the platform mainly for the construction management team, so we opted for a desktop version of the app, leaving the mobile version for later. We developed a flexible solution so that the users would have the possibility to add/remove/edit data regarding companies (vendors, customers, partners, leads, etc.), therefore facilitating the business' operational flow and bringing a clear real-time overview. 

Also, a user database with specific roles was put in place (constructor, constructor supervisor, PM, Admin, etc.) so the processes could be carried out till the end without any interference. Another page was created for equipment management. Another page contained all the tasks and prerequisites for them. Note that the platform was focused on the business side, meaning in some areas we would use static elements and workflows that consume few workload units so they could save money while still providing their investor's vital information. To further help them out, we took into consideration that our clients were students, so we lowered the price and agreed to a fixed price that was mutually beneficial.

App Walk-Through

After a successful login, you will be redirected to the page in the image below.

First, the manager logs in to the dashboard. Here, they can access the project status, timeline, menu, to-do list, recent and favorite projects, portfolio planning, etc.

Digital construction project management Hephix overview interface

From the main page, they can move to a separate section dedicated to project management, that contains all the key information. This is where they can add/remove/edit projects.

Digital construction project management Hephix  projects interface

This is also where they can get more into detail, to check the project overview, status, map, timeline, and dependencies (prerequisites).

Digital construction project management Hephix company data interface

Moving down on the menu, they can navigate the companies page to manage the companies (vendors, partners, customers, etc.)

Digital construction project management Hephix add company interface

The Feedback section has been minimally done from a functionality perspective, where people can submit feedback regarding their projects.

Digital construction project management Hephix feedback interface

Apps Used

Since the project started out as a Bubble bid, as we used the Bubble platform to connect with the clients, so we worked on this app from start to finish, including general development, design, and database architecture.

Developer feedback

This was my first project as a Bubble developer and it was handed over very fast. 

Although it was a sprint, I learned a lot during the process. But I am very content with how it turned out.

After the project was finished my boss looked at me and said "I have never had a customer more happy than these 2. Well done!"

Issues during development

I feel we needed a little bit more time since it was a big project and it was handed over very fast, with little budget to start with, but it worked out fine.


This MVP we created, checked all the important boxes:

  • It has the minimum functionality needed to showcase the final endgame (it simulates how the final version would behave like if it were a PaaS product), 
  • It was developed at an affordable cost. 
  • It is now ready to attract investors
  • It can be transformed into a fully functioning market product.

In Conclusion

By using a no-cod platform, we delivered a strong, yet cost-efficient solution with the potential and scalability to reach a competitive status in the management solutions market while giving a real-life project experience to the junior developer.

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